⏳ “Chronicon Publicis” 📰

Welcome to the public personal&professional “development” journal of B.F. Griffith, where you can peruse assorted reverse-chronological sporadic reflections documenting his progress over time as a practitioner of web-development+software-engineering as well as a variety of other creative disciplines, hobbies, or significant “milestone” achievements he happens to feel especially passionate about or motivated to occasionally commemorate!

Click here if you prefer a more comprehensive index listing all journal entries archived by title… Sisyphus

Week Six ➙ Iron Yard Tutorial Journal

A little simple stying goes a long way…

  • In addition to a pleasing layout replete with golden-ratios, neatly gridded columns, fancy carousels, or similar design features — even relatively simple styles can have a positive impact on user-experience. Indeed, when it comes to buttons, or images that are clickable as functional links (or are otherwise part of the UI), a few basic styles can really make the elements on a page much more dynamic and responsive. For example, consider adding pseudoelements using ::before or ::after
  • also, playing around with box-shadow:, transition: all .2s ease-in-out;, or transform: scale(X); can really create some great effects very simply
    • dashed outlines or borders can also be used to great effect when combined with some of these other techniques
  • However, for more advanced funtionality and user-experience, one can wire up some jQuery with CSS animations tied to click events or other interactions.