⏳ “Chronicon Publicis” 📰

Welcome to the public personal&professional “development” journal of B.F. Griffith, where you can peruse assorted reverse-chronological sporadic reflections documenting his progress over time as a practitioner of web-development+software-engineering as well as a variety of other creative disciplines, hobbies, or significant “milestone” achievements he happens to feel especially passionate about or motivated to occasionally commemorate!

Click here if you prefer a more comprehensive index listing all journal entries archived by title… Sisyphus

Week Four ➙ Iron Yard Reflective Journal

Drowning in JavaScript complexities and to-do-driven iterative solutions…

While short due to Memorial Day, week four at the Iron Yard was intense and a bit overwhelming. Like a lot of others in my cohort, at this point I have “pulled back the curtain” of the web and delved into so many deep rabbit-holes to the point that I’ll never look at any computer technology the same way again, and can no longer blithely take such programs for granted as I now realize that I once did… We learned a lot this week about mobile-first responsive versus adaptive design and experimented with various media-queries while working to replicate the Tympanus templates. In the course of my career, I’m sure various projects may call for working from large to small (which usually isn’t ideal these days) and that’s fine, but for the most part it seems that mobile-first and liquid throughout (when possible) is the optimal way to go, with various break-points and custom styles augmenting that style and adding or adapting as the viewport-size increases.

We learned more about control-flow, revealing-module patterns, and MVC structure, but grasping how these parts actually interact and building that from scratch is a difficult challenge at this point.