⏳ “Chronicon Publicis” 📰

Welcome to the public personal&professional “development” journal of B.F. Griffith, where you can peruse assorted reverse-chronological sporadic reflections documenting his progress over time as a practitioner of web-development+software-engineering as well as a variety of other creative disciplines, hobbies, or significant “milestone” achievements he happens to feel especially passionate about or motivated to occasionally commemorate!

Click here if you prefer a more comprehensive index listing all journal entries archived by title… Sisyphus

Week Five ➙ Iron Yard Reflective Journal

“Halftime” — review

Week five at the Iron Yard threw into sharp relief how much we have learned already about some of the basics… but also how much more we still have to learn in so little time, which is daunting. With APIs and dynamic-content web-applications on the impending horizon, and having been granted a preview of some aspects of what they will involve, mere websites seem rather cosmetic — but still maddeningly aesthetically and technically complicated just in terms of what one sees in various viewports.

Coming back to our Tympanus templates and rebuilding some of those blueprints from bare H5BP was fun and empowering to see how much better we could recreate certain features, since we do have so many more tools at our disposal now, albeit with still so many more yet to learn. That said, the workload involved in thoroughgoing planning was overwhelming, as were some of the technical aspects of style-matching. Looking back on week five, it would’ve been nice to have SASS(.scss) in working on those blueprints.

Learning about Jekyll and building out some bits of our GitHub pages blog was a great experience and felt empowering toward the eventual goals of portfolio building, presentation, and career.