⏳ “Chronicon Publicis” 📰

Welcome to the public personal&professional “development” journal of B.F. Griffith, where you can peruse assorted reverse-chronological sporadic reflections documenting his progress over time as a practitioner of web-development+software-engineering as well as a variety of other creative disciplines, hobbies, or significant “milestone” achievements he happens to feel especially passionate about or motivated to occasionally commemorate!

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Week Six ➙ Iron Yard Tutorial Journal

How to create simple scripts & use browser-sync efficiently…

Because who likes constantly hitting refresh?

  1. Install browser-sync (most conveniently with the Node.js package manager NPM)
    • npm install -g browser-sync
  2. to watch files, the longhand CLI-command is browser-sync start --server --files FILES/RELATIVE/PATHS (it is possible to do proxy or complex paths as well, only be mindful that you are in the root directory of the project you want to watch/run files in with browser-sync to avoid problems as it cannot watch below the “root” from which it is being run as far as I know)
  3. for convenience, after you npm init, edit your package.json file with some custom scripts to run browser-sync more easily and watch or open more files automatically; these paths and scripts will naturally vary depending on the particular file structure of the project, but the following example is illustrative (use * for all files in a directory or of a certain extension type):
    "scripts": {
     "test": "browser-sync start --server --files='js/*.js,test/index.html,test/spec/**/*.js' --startPath test/index.html",
     "start": "browser-sync start --server --files='index.html,css/*.css,js/*.js'"
  • Something else to keep in mind while running browser-sync are some helpful keyboard-shortcuts in the shell:
    • ^CTRL-c (quit)
    • bg (suspend process in background)
      • bg %JOB-NUMBER (or + or - to go to that job)
    • fg (foreground process)
      • fg %JOB-NUMBER (or + or - to go to that job)
    • jobs (to get a numbered list of jobs)
    • -- (pass commands)